Diabetes monitoring/ A1c test
AMG providers are trained to administer tests and perform examinations. They can review and explain the key health indicators to you. The results will help to monitor how well you are managing your diabetes between visits to your primary care provider.
Diabetes screening
High blood glucose is a risk factor that can increase your chance of developing or suffering complications from diabetes. A glucose screening can help identify high blood sugar, which can help you prevent or delay the effects of diabetes.
Diabetes Treatment
AMG providers are trained to administer tests and perform examinations to diagnose, treat and monitor diabetes. They will review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, conduct examinations and provide a personalized initial treatment plan.
Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) is a class of metabolic diseases marked by high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Usually, insulin—a hormone produced by the pancreas—controls blood glucose levels. When we eat, blood glucose rises. Then, the pancreas releases insulin to increase the uptake of glucose into body cells. In patients with diabetes, there is either a lack of insulin production or the response to insulin by the body is insufficient. The result is glucose build-up in the bloodstream (hyperglycemia), which causes organ damage.